Back in the day
Everything was easier.Or if not easier, bigger. Everything. Love was effortless as breathing, for one. And dramatic, sure. But effortless. I didn't have to work my ass off to not get anxiety from hanging out with someone. And school, school was just something we did in between adventures. Something we did in between day dreaming. Hell, even dreaming was easier. The sky is the limit? Fuck that, even the sky wasn't the limit. There were more colors in life, more sounds and more senses, like every new experience blew our minds. Every kiss was an orgasm and every song was worth dying for.
And I had so much to say. I had all the answers and all the questions at my reach, every door was open and every opportunity was taken. Changing the world wasn't just some silly dream, it was reality. We ruled this world, it was ours. And we felt it in our fingertips, every lake and stream, every bird and every fucking rock. We walked barefoot all summer because we wanted to feel the hot ground and the gravel under our heels and the grass between our toes. Every poem ripped your heart wide open and every book sewed it shut and every piece of art made us think. We weren't afraid of questioning, we weren't afraid to be mad or sad or happy, we just were. 100% everything. There was no gray, the world seemed black and white and simple and in our reach.
Now we're just stuck studying things we don't want to study to get a job we don't want so we'll get a life we can settle for. What would it take to make us brave again? How much would it take to kiss a stranger on the lips and begin a game of hide-and-seek.?